Also Vist: Sql Part II
1. Multiple row generation from DUAL
select rownum i from dual connect by level <= 16
Above query works only in 10g
select rownum from dual a, dual b connect by level <>
This query works on both 9i and 10g
2. Lock Query
SELECT s.username dbuser,
owner || '.' || object_name "Object",
lk.type lock_type,
decode(lk.lmode, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row-S', 3, 'Row-X', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row-X', 6, 'Exclusive', to_char(lk.lmode)) lockmode,
decode(request, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row-S', 3, 'Row-X', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row-X', 6, 'Exclusive', to_char(lk.request)) requestmode
FROM v$lock lk,
v$session s,
dba_objects ao
WHERE lk.lmode > 1
AND object_name LIKE 'JAI%'
AND s.username IS NOT NULL
AND lk.sid = s.sid
AND ao.object_id(+) = lk.id1
To find and kill the locking program..
select session_id from dba_dml_locks where name = 'JAI_RCV_HEADERS' ;
select sid, serial# from v$session where sid in ( );
alter system kill session '
In oracle, you would have used desc to describe the table. Now let us see, how to generate DESC output through sql query.
SELECT column_name || ' ' || decode(nullable, 'N', 'not null', ' ') || ' ' || data_type ||
decode(data_type, 'NUMBER', decode('' || nvl(data_precision, -1), '-1', '', '(' || data_precision || ',' || data_scale || ')'),
'(' || data_length || ')') fields
FROM all_tab_columns
4. How to disable a not null constraint.
In case you have created a database column as 'not null'. And you don't want it to be 'Not null' then how will you change it?eg:
create table temp_temp ( a number not null, b number not null)
And your want to remove "Not null" constraint for columns A.
sql> desc temp_temp:
Name Null? Type
------------------------------- -------- ----
Get the Not null Constraint name from the database.
SQL> select constraint_name, search_condition from all_constraints where table_name='TEMP_TEMP';
----------------- ---------------------
SYS_C00258673 "A" IS NOT NULL
SYS_C00258674 "B" IS NOT NULL
In the results look for the row with name of the column(like "A" is not null) in the search condition. Take the corresponding constraint_name
SQL> alter table temp_temp drop constraint SYS_C00258673;
Table altered.
SQL> desc temp_temp
Name Null? Type
------------------------------- -------- ----
Not null constraint is dropped from the Table.
5. How to convert row values into columns. or how to perform multi dimensional query?
Dept | Year | Amount |
A | 2005 | 100 |
B | 2005 | 500 |
C | 2005 | 344 |
A | 2006 | 400 |
B | 2006 | 122 |
Here you need to display the report in following format. That is comparative sales analysis of each department between 2005 and 2006.
Dept | 2005 | 2006 |
A | 100 | 400 |
B | 500 | 122 |
C | 344 | 0 |
The challenge is to bring the row values into columns. And here is the solution.
SELECT dept, sum(decode(year,'2005',amount,0)) "2005",
sum(decode(year,'2006',amount,0)) "2006"
from temp_temp
group by dept;
6. How do give if condition within the column.
This is so simple problem, you can use Case when clause to do that.
select ename, eid,case when salary <=1000 then 'A'
when salary <=2000 then 'B'
when salary <=3000 then 'C'
when salary <=4000 then 'D'
when salary <=5000 then 'E'
else 'F'
end from emp;
But how will you do switch-case without use when clause?
Here is the query to do the same stuff.
select ename, eid,decode(greatest(salary,0),least(salary,1000),'A',decode(greatest(salary,1001)
from emp order by 3;
7. How would you select the range of rows from the table?
Say for example, you wanted to select the rows from 2 to 5.
select dept, no
from (select dept, rownum no from temp_temp)
where no between 2 and 5;
8. How can one dump/ examine the exact content of a database column?
SELECT DUMP (col1) FROM tab1 WHERE cond1 = val1;
Typ=96 Len=4: 65,66,67,32
For this example the type is 96, indicating CHAR, and the last byte in the column is 32, which is the ASCII code for a space. This tells us that this column is blank-padded.
9. Find out foreign constraints refering your table
select table_name, constraint_name from user_constraints
where r_constraint_name IN (select constraint_name from user_constraints where table_name = 'XML_DOCUMENT' and constraint_type = 'P')
and constraint_type = 'R' ;
Also Vist: Sql Part II
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